Welcome to Heritage

Explore carefully crafted essentials that bring joy into daily routines.
Find a perfect unique gift for the foodie in your life, or a timeless and practical addition to your own kitchen. Shop now, and discover the difference a handcrafted cutting board will make in your cooking and entertaining experience

Granular Approach

  • Vertical orientation of the grain is the key to creating unique and durable surfaces that are gentle on the knives, resistant to knife marks, able to withstand heavy chopping and are bacteria resistant. End grain boards can take the heavy prep and stay for the party. Experience all the benefits of a high-quality, durable kitchen tool for years to come.

  • Edge Grain construction is the strongest of all, which allows for lighter build. These boards offer durability, safety and versatility of the wood and can be easily put away if desired.

  • Face grain boards reveal distinct beauty of different woods, nature being the lead artist. They are best suited to spreading cheese and love for your guests. Cutting will add the character by leaving a mark of all the meals shared.